Suitable for walkers - 4 year olds
Suitable for ages 2.5 - 4 (Pre-School/Nursery age).
This class introduces Ballet & Tap to toddlers. Basic Ballet steps will be learnt with activities and props to enhance the imagination and mime skills of nursery aged children.
Basic Tap steps will also be taught to prepare children for the rhythms and counting involved in Tap Dancing. Children will be taught these basic skills with enjoyment, ready to progress into the Syllabus Classes.

Suitable for ages 5-7 (School years 1&2).
BALLET : This is the first graded level for children to take and study. These classes are more structured and disciplined whilst developing a strong technique base, the pupils work towards being entered for a BBO examination.
TAP : This is the first structured tap class students will study. This class includes barre work, centre work and an introduction to travelling steps. The pupils work towards being entered for a BBO examination.
MODERN : This class introduces students to modern steps, including barre work, centre work, and a dance. Modern works hand in hand to help the students ballet as there is a strong focus on flexibility and strength, necessary for a strong ballet technique, all of the modern syllabus is danced to modern uptodate music. The pupils work towards being entered for a BBO examination.
Suitable for ages 7-9 (School years 3&4).
BALLET : This class is more structured and disciplined, with the
introduction of barre and centre work. Children will increase their
understanding of technique, posture and alignment necessary for
dancing. The pupils work towards being entered for a BBO examination.
TAP : The Primary Tap classes are more structured and introduce the
pupils to the more complex rhythms and counts involved in tap. The
pupils work towards being entered for a BBO examination.
MODERN : Primary Modern builds on technique learnt in previous grades.
The pupils work towards being entered for a BBO examination.

Suitable for ages 4 - 6 (School Year - Reception & Year 1).
BALLET & TAP : The Introduction to Ballet Class introduces the child to a more structured ballet lesson, where exercises will have to be rehearsed and remembered in order to be entered for an exam following the British Ballet Organisation Syllabus. Props such as tambourines, dolls and scarves will be used to enhance the mime and performance skills. Children enjoy a class using traditional rhythmical tunes and are encouraged to appreciate musicality that will see them through their whole dancing life.
MODERN : A fun way to introduce children to modern. A great class to encourage flexibility, musicality and partner work. All modern is taught to pop music.

Suitable for ages 8 + (must have successfully passed Primary grades)
Throughout all grades we will be working towards being entered into BBO examinations, whilst still working on technique and performance skills.
BALLET : These grades introduce students to a more structured syllabus class, which includes barre and centre work. Throughout these grades, pupils will be introduced to more advanced and challenging steps such as balances, polka, temps lie, pirouettes, adage and sautes. From grade 2 boys will be challenged with separate exercises to work on specific to the male dancer, and from grade 3 girls will be introduced to demi-pointe work exercises.
TAP : Tap knowledge and technique will be progressed throughout these grades, with new steps being learnt such as timesteps, pickups, riffs, wings, cramp-rolls, turning exercises and amalgamations.
MODERN : Modern works hand in hand to help students ballet as there is a strong focus on flexibility and strength, necessary for a strong ballet technique. Throughout these grades, pupils will be introduced to more advanced and challenging steps such as drag runs, isolations, contractions, kicks, abdominal and back exercises.
Suitable for ages 12 + (must have successfully passed Grades 1, 2 & 3 in chosen genre)
Throughout all grades we will be working towards being entered into BBO examinations, whilst still working on technique and performance skills.
BALLET : Throughout grades 4 & 5 students are developing previous technique and skills learnt, yet now with more challenges. There is a more mature approach to the grades which is mirrored through the choreography and music. Throughout these grades, pupils will be introduced to more advanced and challenging steps.
TAP : Tap knowledge and technique will be progressed throughout these grades, with new steps being learnt and mastered.
MODERN : Throughout these grades, pupils will be introduced to more advanced and challenging steps such as leaps, and split preparation.
These grades are stepping stones towards the British Ballet Organisations vocational examinations. More advanced work is introduced, including pointe work for girls.

These are very advanced levels which develops on knowledge, technique and skills learnt in previous grades. These grades require the students to perfect their work to a very high standard.
Classes available for children ages 8+
Freework Ballet Classes are non-syllabus classes that work on the core exercises of a ballet class ; the exercises will be changed regularly to challenge and keep the dancers brain active as well as developing technique and musicality. These classes are highly recommended if the dancer plans to audition for full time ballet training or Associate courses, to get used to non syllabus work and understanding the terminology necessary for ballet training.
Classes available for children aged 6+.
Commercial dance is a combination of many different dance styles, such as hip hop, jazz, contemporary, freestyle and more. The children will learn challenging and exciting routines to fun and current music.
Classes available for children ages 7+.
Jazz is a classical style with a modern twist. For Jazz you need the control and poise that Ballet gives you with the rhythm and timing that Tap will help with; all three styles go hand in hand. Jazz Dance is often seen in Musicals and films and made popular today by such iconic artist as Gene Kelly, Michael Jackson to name a few. To have a career in dance you will certainly need a good knowledge of Jazz Dance. BBO have created a fabulous Jazz syllabus which follows Jazz technique at its best. Each grade will cover specific technique suitable to that standard. Control, Balance and Rhythm is mastered at each grade. Theory and History is also taught at each level. Once standard is achieved pupils will be entered for examinations.

Classes available for children aged 7+.
Musical Theatre will be a chance for the children to gain all round confidence and become a 'Triple Threat'. They will learn to sing, dance and act using repertoire from popular Broadway and West End musicals. A great way to make friends and learn skills to enhance there overall performance.
Classes available for children aged 7+.
This class is to work alongside weekly dance classes to help fitness and flexibility progress. Therabands will be used to assist with the stretches developing the strength necessary for dance.
Suitable for ages 12 + (must also be studying Grade 4 Ballet - at the teacher's discretion).
This class focus' on developing the strength, control and alignment needed for pointe work. Strengthening exercises will be done primarily to ensure safe pointe work. This class will be planned on an individual basis, and a child will only progress to centre work/advanced work once confident and proficient.

Classes available for children aged 8 + (must be studying ballet)
Contemporary is a style of expressive dance that uses the technique of ballet fused with the release and attack of jazz, whilst also encorporating elements of modern and lyrical. This class stresses versatility and improvisation, unlike the strict, structured nature of ballet. Contemporary dancers strive to connect the mind and the body through fluid dance movements. The pioneers of contemporary dance believed that dancers should have freedom of movement, allowing their bodies to freely express their innermost feeling. Strengthening, flexibility, floor work, travelling and jumping sequences, and improvisation will be studied. Once proficient, student will enter ID Dance examinations.
Private Lessons are encouraged throughout the year, to instill confidence and develop syllabus knowledge to either help with exam progress or focus on audition criteria. Private lessons are invaluable at any age, and may be requested at any time.
A fun tap class for adults with a little tap experience.